Monday, May 5, 2014

Top Cheap Countries to Visit in 2014

Cerca del Palacio Real · Phnom Phen · Cambodia 

Since travelers have been raving about how great and cheap South East Asia is, prices in countries like Thailand and Indonesia have gone up for tourists. Yet, Cambodia is still a relatively unknown country to most. A dollar will get you really far in here ($7 hostels) and the mix of Buddhist culture within bustling cities like Phnom Phen is an adventure for any traveler.

La Paz, Bolivia 

Bolivia is still a very poor country (even for South American standards). It is, nonetheless, a very beautiful country. Outdoor adventure seekers will have a blast in these mountainous terrains. The combination of natural beauty and the fact that it is one of the cheapest countries to travel to in South America makes this a must see destination for budget travelers.


Budapest is by far my favorite city in the world. The architecture is beautiful, the food is great, and the nightlife is amazing. But the best thing about Budapest is, that compared to other cities cities, it's dirt cheap. You can easily find hostels for under $20 a night, and $15 will buy you three delicious meals throughout the day. And did I mention that Budapest still has aristocratic public bath houses that are actually clean and located in gorgeous buildings?  

Because Greece suffered a devastating recession, it's now a great destination for budget travelers. You can easily find hostels for $10 to $20 a night and food is not that expensive either. Plus, since tourism has plummeted in the last few years, you going to Greece and spending a few dollars will help revitalize Greece's economy. You will not only enjoy some of the most breathtaking views and water on this planet, but feel good knowing that your hard earned money is helping the people of Greece get back on track.

These are just 4 options. If you know any more great cheap countries to visit in 2014 please share them with me and all of our readers in the comment section below. Much love.

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